Fresh look, fresh thinking

Wednesday 6 November 2019

A lot has changed since I first went freelance in the summer of 2011, not least of which is the development of responsive web design, mobile-first search and super clean, 'flat' websites.

I don't do a lot of marketing and self-promotion - I have a good number of highly engaged happy customers who keep coming back for more - so my old blog had become dated and stagnant.

With that in mind, I figured now is the best time to launch a fresh updated look ready for the bright future that all the sci-fi movies told me to expect in 2020.

Even if we don't have hovercars and time travel by this time next year, at least I'll have Bobblewriter.

Why is it called Bobblewriter?

My birth name is Robert but only my family call me that. Since university days I've been Bobble to anyone who can handle calling me that, and Bob to everyone else.

You may attribute the content I supply to you as written by Robert Bardsley, Bob Bardsley OR Bobble Bardsley, if you want to put a byline on it.

You can put your own byline on it, or none at all, I don't mind. Just don't attribute content to me if it's been changed after I last saw it, or if it was written by someone else completely.

I wanted a clear, simple name for this new blog. I considered using my initials - something like CopywriterBB, for example - but in the end I settled on Bobblewriter.

It reminds me of Brundlefly, Jeff Goldblum's character in The Fly, which makes sense since writing seems to be a part of me at a genetic level.

And it makes sense because I'm not a company - I'm just me - so really, my name IS my brand.

Why is it pink?

I'm not making a political statement here. I was aiming for a bright purple and I had my screen brightness turned down.

Well it turns out at full brightness, I actually chose a pretty hot purplish-pink and y'know what? I love it.

So, it's staying. As an accent colour I think it works really well, and it will be extremely helpful to highlight any important info in future updates.

Funnily enough, one of my first ever freelance gigs was writing for Hot Pink Magazine, an online magazine published by Miss Cole toiletries, and I think part of me misses being a backstage London Fashion Week reporter...

Wanna hire me?

So crunch time - need some words? Got a yearning for some of that sweet sweet search-optimised website content? A Shakespearean sonnet about boiler repair? A 20,000-word ebook about trainer socks? I want to know!

As of the start of November 2019 I have been freelance for exactly 100 months and I have clients who have been with me since Month One.

I love my clients and I am extremely lucky to have enough repeat custom to pay the bills every month, but I always welcome new enquiries too.

If you'd like to work with a talented, enthusiastic freelance writer who genuinely wants to learn about your business and how best to sell it to your customers, email me right now.


Words by Bob 'Bobble' Bardsley.

Bobble is a talented freelance writer who has written for websites since 1998.

Book me today to write for your print and online projects.

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Availability: Good

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